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[Review] [SW/Herder] Projectile Speed

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[Review] [SW/Herder] Projectile Speed

Post#1 » Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:30 pm

Issue: Projectile speed on some abilities and even autoattacks feel too slow. And while I believe that other classes might have similar problems I'm just going to talk about SW because I main this class and only checked it on this class (yet).
More specifically I want to talk about "Broadhead Arrow" and "Flanking shot".
- Broadhead Arrow is the main SW dot and in a normal rotation it's your opening skill so you can apply a healdebuff second.
- Flanking Shot is your "finisher" and usually applied when your target has already lost some health to finish it off.
Both abilities are moving horribly slow which really slows down your rotation assuming fast gcd is around 1100ms and slow gcd around 1400ms. While this takes away a few dps it mainly is very annoying and makes the class feel more clunky than it has to.

Video below shows how long a projectile takes to arrive at its destination.
Target distance was around 95ft, and I was logged in with full dev access to get an answer from the server everytime an ability input was recorded. The average flight time was between 1200ms and 1300ms. Add animation time + lag + moving target you might get numbers over 1400ms (could not test alone) on a full 98ft range shot. This way you can not get a fast gcd (or even normal gcd) between broadhead arrow and healdebuff, it also prevents flanking shot from fulfilling its role as finisher because having to wait 1.4seconds or longer for the damage to arrive is really frustrating sometimes (and I believe other SW mains would agree, if they pay attention to it for a bit).
In conclusion: increasing proectile speed by around 40% would be a big quality of live improvement for players of this class.

Click here to watch on YouTube
note: In the video i wasnt going for a fast gcd, its just to show you the flight time in the chat window to the left.

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Re: [SW] Projectile Speed

Post#2 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:38 pm

Moving to discussion.

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Re: [SW] Projectile Speed

Post#3 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:57 pm

This is a huge issue actually, makes SW and squig so clunky to play in singletarget specs. Inreased projectilespeed is definetly needed at the moment, and I'm not even sure 40% would be enough seeing as most other singletarget dps can get off damage almost instantly.
Rip Phalanx

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Re: [SW] Projectile Speed

Post#4 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:01 pm

Could you clarify: Do you want to change the projectile speed for all classes/abilities. Or just for the two abilities you named?

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Re: [SW] Projectile Speed

Post#5 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:17 pm

Should agree, this slow motion effect is very annoying especially when your party leader is calling for assists, fast burst or target change, this speed makes you really mad cause you can't follow with your dots which are horribly slow. In orvr it is almost impossible to multi-dot people around because fights are so fast and limited in time. Also projectile speed buff would improve a lot in class in general.
But I have some doubts: it it possible from technical side? I mean is it possible to implement? Without client control?
Riphael - Black Guard.
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Re: [SW] Projectile Speed

Post#6 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:30 pm

I dont post often in these things but i think u the op has a very valid point.. not only would it improve its quality of life but also the output it does.
Thats what leaves for me a couple of questions would this also be counting for all rdps classes?

Is this only for dots based as u mentioned? Or Just in general? (Basicly and this is an example u want the dots insta like sorc/bw... and the overall speed of arrows/guns/spells faster?

Curious about this topic its a good 1.

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Re: [SW] Projectile Speed

Post#7 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:34 pm

The delay in broadhead arrow allows the SW to stack broadhead and the heal debuff on the same timestamp...which equates to higher burst on said timestamp during the M2+VoN cycle.
To be honest, I wish the SH version acted like my SW version!
Stinkyweed SH.86
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Re: [SW] Projectile Speed

Post#8 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:40 pm

Stinkyweed wrote:The delay in broadhead arrow allows the SW to stack broadhead and the heal debuff on the same timestamp...which equates to higher burst on said timestamp during the M2+VoN cycle.
To be honest, I wish the SH version acted like my SW version!
M2 is gone though ^^
Rip Phalanx

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Re: [SW] Projectile Speed

Post#9 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:00 pm

I just read that...and am deeply saddened. ...but the delay in BA still does help with burst if you can time it right.

Stinkyweed SH.86
Prowl WE.85
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Re: [SW] Projectile Speed

Post#10 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:22 pm

Stinkyweed wrote:I just read that...and am deeply saddened. ...but the delay in BA still does help with burst if you can time it right.

Sure, but I'd take the removal of the superclunky gameplay over that any day. And projectilespeed on the rest of the spells are really horrible anyways, making dpsing way worse than it could be.
Rip Phalanx

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