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  • Patch Notes 27/06/2024
    Live Event: The Feast of Shoika


    The summer sun has reached its zenith and Dazh smiles down upon his worshippers below. All throughout Kislev pyres are lit, from the smallest village to the largest cities, in honor of Dazh who gave the world the gift of sunlight and fire. These pyres are fueled by sacrifices of mighty beasts, and small scraps of paper upon which the faithful write their prayers, hoping the flames will carry them to the heavens and reach the generous hands of Dazh. The summer season in Kislev is not only the celebration of Dazh, for it also honors Shoika, the powerful Tsarina who established Kislev. It is a time of celebrating in a manner most fitting of the Old World, with fire and blood.

    The Feast of Shoika is celebrated beyond the borders of Kislev. Its festivities reach Altdorf as a sign of the lasting alliance between the Empire of Sigmar and the Bear Kingdom. The Feast of Shoika is a dual celebration of the founding of Kislev and the start of the Kislevite New Year, and the onset of summer and season of the harvest which rely heavily on the blessings of Dazh. Kislevite Boyars, Priests of Dazh, and mysterious hag mothers celebrate in Altdorf. Meanwhile, Dolgans and goblins from the east join the Raven Host as the forces of Chaos seek to raze Kislev and turn its lands into one massive pyre honoring the Lord of Change. Head to Altdorf and the Inevitable City to learn how you can help during the Feast of Shoika.

    The Feast of Shoika will start on June 28th at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until July 8th 12:00 Altdorf time.

    Basic reward: [Kossar's Helm] or The Feast of Shoika Alcohol Sampler
    Advanced reward: Your very own orphaned Oblast Elk Fawn or Lynsk Bear Cub, or The Feast of Shoika Dye Satchel containing four random dyes from the Feast of Shoika
    Elite reward: [Potion of Acclaim], the Oblast Elk Saddle, or Lynsk Bear Saddle / Bound Ice Daemon (these items can be traded for a mount at a vendor in your capital) Mount previews are available here, and discs here.

    Completing the Event Quest - An event slot item; and depending on the path you take/choices you make the new Kislevite capes: the ermine-fur-lined Druzhina's Korzna , or fur cloak fit for winter - the Kislevite Kozhukhi, or a ragged hide fit for a soldier - the Pulkowa Palatka. Cloak previews are available here.

    All Live Event rewards are only available from the associated heralds: Konstanty Tarnowsky in the Altdorf Market, or Chief Zhan'daq in the Inevitable City Apex.

    Pyre Blessings
    Journey to Altdorf or the Inevitable City to speak with your local pyromaniac, the Priest of Dazh or Cultist of Flames respectively. Slay Kislevite bulls and be rewarded with Prayers to the Pyre, which you can write your most sincere prayers upon before casting them into the pyre and waiting for your god's reply. Be careful, for the gods know the value of your prayers, and not all are worthy of a blessing.

    The Ancient Widow ORvR PQ
    A spirit as old as the land of Kislev has reappeared in Kislev during this Feast of Shoika, a powerful being bent on cleansing the land of all those who do not respect it. Needless to say, that is everyone. Join your realm in battling the Ancient Widow in the streets of Praag, while you hold back the opposing realm. This PQ will include a handful of rewards exclusive to the PQ.

    Live Event Shoppe
    Collect Pyre Offerings by killing players in ORvR or Scenarios and trade them in with merchants in your Empire/Chaos capital cities - Baba Tsvana in Altdorf or Baba Drozdzowka in the Inevitable City. Note: the Pyre Offerings are a BLUE currency, so check your auto-rolls. These merchants will offer you foods and drinks from the northern lands, and are required for the new specular dyes. Feast while you can, because after the feast comes the famine.

    Twenty rare dyes are available only during this live event, for those who wish to expand their colorful horizons. Dye previews are available here, but please be aware that the colors may apply differently on different base armor colors. These colors were drawn from the Warhammer Armies: Kislev 6th Ed., WFRP The Realm of the Ice Queen 2nd Ed., and other sources such as Warhammer Online's Praag assets. We hope to continue to introduce new dyes based on inspiration from the source material in the Live Events to come.

    Feast of Shoika Epic Branching Quest
    During the Feast of Shoika, players will have the opportunity to take part in a new questline built with our new branching quest system, The Tainted Child for Order, or Death On The Steppes for Destruction. Each questline has three endings, depending on the path you took and the decisions you made - and don't worry, there is a route focused on PvP for the PvE-shy players.

    Weekend Warfront: The Siege of Praag


    These are dark times for the city of Praag. The Raven Host have summoned a daemon and are planning on feeding the innocent souls of the townsfolk to the foul beast! For generations, the sons and daughters of Kislev have fought and died to protect their lands from Chaos invasions. Can they hold Praag once again?

    This weekend the Battle for Praag will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in this scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.


    Bastion Stair

    - The Skulltaker Chosen mobs in Bastion Stair have had their AOE Root reduced from 10 seconds to 3 seconds.

    - Urlf Daemonblessed's Steaming Skulls have their damage slightly reduced, by about ~7%.

    - Chorek the Unstoppable now has his stacking Armor Shred ability restored. This armour shred cannot be cleansed, but will drop off if not re-applied every 20 seconds.

    Hunter's Vale

    - The Spirit of Kurnous now deals undefendable single target damage to the tank in the first phase of his fight. (Previously, he only auto-attacked.)


    - The Enslaved Screecher Harpies no longer drain large amounts of Action Points.



    - The Guild Bank has now been re-enabled.

    - The Player Bank has now been re-enabled.

    Cosmetic Shields

    As the forces of the Empire and the Raven Host come head-to-head in the lands of Kislev, the smiths of Altdorf and the Inevitable City have finished crafting brand new heraldry shields for the Knights of the Blazing Sun and Chosen to earn. Fourteen new shields per realm have been added, each with a Silver and Gold trim variant. These shields are a permanent addition to the game. More information regarding how to acquire the shields can be found
    on the new Wiki page (click here). We would like to thank our artists for their continued dedication to RoR.


    - Four new Mail Quests have been added to the game to teach players about Cosmetic shield skins. These will arrive for Swordmasters and Black Guards at level 18, and for Knights and Chosen players at level 15.

    - The in-progress text for all six "Gems with Benefits" tutorial quests has been updated to better guide players to the completion NPC nearby.

    Open World PvE

    - Troll NPC's will no longer have their Foul Vomit DoT stack

    - Empire Bandit NPC's will no longer have their Pinch Nerve, Aggravated Wound and Carve Wound DoT stack

    - Swordmaster NPC's will no longer have their Graceful Strike DoT stack

    - Dwarven Thunderer NPC's will no longer have their Worthless Armor debuff Stack & their AP regen debuff stack. They will also no longer have their Bullet Wound DoT stack

    - Empire Trappers NPC's will no longer have their Punctured Artery DoT stack

    - Empire Warrior Priests NPC's will no longer have their Trickling wound DoT stack

    - Zombie NPC's will no longer explode

    - Spider NPC's will no longer have their Envenomed Fang DoT Stack, additionally their Webbed Down root will last for 3 seconds instead of 6

    - Spiked Squig NPC's will no longer have their Poisoned Spine Stat debuff stack.

    - Orc Choppa NPC's will no longer have their Slasha DoT stack.

    - Wolf NPC's will no longer have their Savage Jaws DoT stack

    - Chaos Chosen NPC's will no longer have their Seeping wound and Touch of Palsy DoT stack

    - Dwarf Ironbreaker NPC's will no longer have their Punishing Blow and Heavy Blow DoT stack

    - Dwarf Slayer NPC's will no longer have their Relentless Strike and Rune of Absorption DoT stack

    - Shadow Warrior NPC's Whirling Pin Root will now last for 3 seconds instead of 6.

    - Dryad NPC's will no longer have their Open Wound DoT stack

    - Black Guard NPC's will no longer have their Brutal Smash Build Time Reduction Debuff stack. They will also no longer have their Horrific Wound DoT stack.

    Bug Fixes

    [22895] - [Black Orc] - Tactic Keep it goin breaks AOE Punt
    [22327] - [Scenario] - Khaine's Embrace - Jump on the destro spawn side
    [22271] - [Witch Hunter] - Tactic - Protection from Heresy tactic not procing from Sanctified Oil
    [22576] - [General] tooltips for items with added gold, influence, renown or xp should now show properly
    [22051] - [General] Targeting yourself should now show the buffs applies to you.
    [22095] - [General] Releasing when having the offer for a resurrection should not cause you to get both debuffs.
    [22908] - [Witch Elf] - Tactic - Enveloping Shadows Does not Proc on Elixir of Shadows

    Please note some of these changes may have been applied earlier in the week in a hotfix.
    Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:36 am View the latest post
  • Patch Notes 21/06/2024
    Weekend Warfront: Raiders of the Lost Pyramid


    Treasure hunters have long been drawn to Nehekhara and the grand tombs of ancient kings. The promise of plunder has led many to risk their life in the Land of the Dead, only to add their bones to the ever growing army of the Tomb Kings. Enter the Tomb of Settra and battle with other adventurers over control of the vestibule of the pyramid.

    This weekend, Raiders of the Lost Pyramid will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the new Pyramid of Settra scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.

    Combat and Careers

    Balance Update

    Whew! It's been an eventful few months recently, so it is time for us to give another update on our PvP Roadmap! We are excited to announce that with this update, our balancing effort is officially moving into its Healer Phase, shifting the main focus onto Healer Careers and their mechanics.

    Several adjustments and changes were made to Tank Careers, and while the main focus of future updates will now be on Healers, please note that this does not mean Tanks will remain completely unchanged. There are still parts we aren't fully happy with, and final touches or fine-tuning will be applied. However, in the upcoming patches, Healer Careers will be in the spotlight.

    We will continue to track your feedback, so please share how you feel with us!

    General Changes and Fixes

    - Dots and hots with an initial tick no longer use the refresh mechanic, instead they do their initial tick and then get next tick after their normal interval.

    Bug Fixes

    [22317] - [Combat] Fixed a generic issue where AOEs would not function with a Z axis of more then 36 feet.

    With this fix, area effect abilities should now work even with changes in terrain elevation. Remember when damaging abilities wouldn't work on enemies slightly above or below you? That should no longer be an issue!

    Bug Fixes

    - Oathstone - Give Immovable instead of Unstoppable.

    This is a bug-fix, we assigned the wrong immunity to the ability. Description was always correct.

    Balance Changes

    - Inevitable Doom: CD increased to 15s.

    - Retribution: Removed the damage every second (keeps the reflect damage).

    - Accuracy: Now additionally reduces CD of Inevitable Doom to 5 seconds and Retribution now deals ( 180 + 1.0 x DB + 1.5 x WDPS ) damage every second. Also now reduces your Auto Attack damage by 20%.

    Choppa, and Slayer especially have been dominating in small-scale PvP. The changes in this patch are aimed at reducing their strength, particularly their Area of Effect damage, in their small scale builds. As their small-scale and large-scale builds are nearly identical, that was hard to do without touching their large-scale builds. We know this isn’t the most elegant change at the moment. That is why we aim for a larger rework on the Choppa and Slayer when we arrive at the Damage Career phase of our roadmap in the future.

    Balance Changes

    - Less Stabbin’ Me and You Got Nuffin’ swapped places in the Mastery Tree.

    - Chop Fasta! - Duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds.

    For the Black Orc, we swapped the 3 points tactics in the Path of Da’ Toughest and Path of Da’ Boss. By having Less Stabbin’ Me in the same path as the knockdown, it will be much easier to pick it up in any build. The duration of Chop Fasta! is increased so it synchronizes better with using T’ree Hit Combo directly after Chop Fasta!.

    Balance Changes

    - Furious Stompin': CD increased to 30s.

    - Bring It On: Removed the damage every second without Extra Choppin (keeps the reflect damage).

    - Extra Choppin': Now additionally reduces the CD of Furious Stompin' to 20s and Bring It On now deals ( 180 + 1.0 x DB + 1.5 x WDPS ) damage every second. Also now reduces your Auto Attack damage by 20%.

    Choppa, and Slayer especially have been dominating in small-scale PvP. The changes in this patch are aimed at reducing their strength, particularly their Area of Effect damage, in their small scale builds. As their small-scale and large-scale builds are nearly identical, that was hard to do without touching their large-scale builds. We know this isn’t the most elegant change at the moment. That is why we aim for a larger rework on the Choppa and Slayer when we arrive at the Damage Career phase of our roadmap in the future.

    Balance Changes

    - Repel Darkness - Now usable on targets with Immovable

    Tank control abilities are being brought in line with the rest of the tank careers. This means the ability can be used for damage while having immunity, but without knockback.

    Balance Changes

    - Bright Wizard Ruin and Destruction - Radius reduced from 30 to 25 ft.

    - Crown of Fire - Proc chance reduced from 45% to 40%.

    Group proc. damage is still not where we'd like it to be, so we are reducing Crown of Fire proc chance to 40%, along with other changes in this patch.

    Balance Changes

    - Prayer of Righteousness - Damage reduced from 225 to 204 (10% reduction).

    - Divine Justice - Damage reduced from 375 to 320 (15% reduction).

    Group proc. damage is still not where we'd like it to be, so we are reducing their damage, along with other changes in this patch.

    Bug Fixes

    - [22588] - Terrible embrace only checked immunity at start of the cast.

    Balance Changes

    - Wrecking Ball - Changed from 7 x (184 + 0.22 x DB + 0.75 x WDPS) to 4 x (322 + 0.38 x DB + 1.3 x WDPS). Total damage remains the same.

    - Mouth of Tzeentch - Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.

    To keep group proc. damage in control, we are reducing the amount of hits Wrecking Ball does within its channel, while keeping its total damage the same.

    Area interrupts have had their cooldowns increased, to reduce interrupt spamming and make them a more tactical choice when they are truly needed.

    Balance Changes

    - Waves of Chaos - Radius reduced from 30 to 25 ft.

    - Winds of Insanity - Reworked to channel ability costing 20 AP/s. Knockback effect remains intact. When under effect of Harbinger of Doom deal (187 + 1.2 x DB) Corporeal Damage every second for 6 seconds. When not under the effect of Harbinger of Doom, you heal all group members within 50 ft for (125 + 1.0 x HB) health every second for 6 seconds.

    Currently, Wind of Insanity has practically no counter play as it cannot be interrupted. By making it a normal channel, this problem no longer exists. To still allow the use of Wind of Insanity for healing specced Zealots, the ability was split into two parts. With Harbinger of Doom toggled off, the ability will now heal group members close to you.

    Balance Changes

    - Blesser of Heaven - The HoT no longer has an initial tick. Total heal value over the 3 seconds remains the same.

    - Redirected Force - Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.

    When one Swordmaster applies BoH on multiple targets and a player performs an AoE attack on those targets, you should get only one application of BoH. Currently, you will indeed see only one application of BoH on your buffs. However, you get healing from the initial BoH tick for every target you hit. This bug is fixed by removing the initial healing tick from BoH and redistributing this healing to the other three ticks.

    Area interrupts have had their cooldowns increased, to reduce interrupt spamming and make them a more tactical choice when they are truly needed.

    Balance Changes

    - Whirling Axe - Changed from 7 x (184 + 0.22 x DB + 0.75 x WDPS) to 4 x (322 + 0.38 x DB + 1.3 x WDPS). Total damage remains the same.

    - Echoing Roar - Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.

    To keep group proc. damage in control, we are reducing the amount of hits Whirling Axe does within its channel, while keeping its total damage the same.

    Area interrupts have had their cooldowns increased, to reduce interrupt spamming and make them a more tactical choice when they are truly needed.

    Balance Changes

    - Exile - Now usable on targets with Immovable.

    - Malignant Strike & Spiteful Slam - Now usable on targets with Unstoppable.

    - Mind Killer - No longer a stacking ability. Now reduces Intelligence and Willpower by 120.

    Mind Killer no longer requires stacking the debuff. If you are using Soul Killer, you will now need to cover the heal debuff with other debuffs in your kit.

    Tank control abilities are being brought in line with the rest of the tank careers. This means the ability can be used for damage while having immunity, but without knockback.

    Balance Changes

    - Covenant of Celerity - Damage reduced from 187 to 168 (10% reduction).

    - Bloodthirst - Damage reduced from 337 to 286 (15% reduction).

    Group proc. damage is still not where we'd like it to be, so we are reducing their damage, along with other changes in this patch.

    Balance Changes

    - Frozen Fury - Proc chance reduced from 45% to 40%.

    Group proc. damage is still not where we'd like it to be, so we are reducing Frozen Fury proc. chance to 40%, along with other changes in this patch.

    Open World PvE

    - Plague bearer NPC's will no longer have their Diseased bellow & Infecting Swipe debuff stack (Heal Debuff & AP Drain)

    - Banshee NPC's will no longer have their Banshee Wail debuff stack (AP Drain)

    - Empire NPC's will no longer have their Sever Artery DoT stack

    - Scorpion NPC's will no longer have their Envenomed stinger DoT stack

    - Archmage NPC's will no longer have their DoTs stack

    - Lizard NPC's will no longer have their Tail Swipe debuff Stack (AP Drain)

    - Engineer NPC's will no longer have their DoTs stack

    - Shadow Warrior NPC's will no longer have their Clip Agility debuff stack (Reducing your Dodge Chance)

    User Interface

    - Reserving heraldry should now be a little easier and not require you to do them twice in 60 seconds.

    - Now there is an interface available if you click the vault logs next to the banker or in the vipers pit / sigmars hammer.

    This interface is an update for the Item Logs Feature we teased a few patches ago.

    - Speaking to the Guild Recruiter when you are not in a guild now gives the option to rejoin "Forces" starter guild as long as you are below level 40.

    - Hitting level 40 will remove you from the starter guilds. Note that people already 40 and in the guild will currently still be in it.

    We have received many requests in the past to rejoin the original "Forces" Guilds, so we have restored the function to rejoin them by talking to the representative NPCs in the capital cities.

    We understand that some players have chosen to remain in the starter guilds, but these guilds are not intended to replace actual guilds. We would like to gently encourage everyone to join other's or create new ones, perhaps even dedicated to helping new players.

    Twitch Drops

    - Redeemable Twitch Drops on the Social Page have been increased! Check out here!

    Previously, only 25 Twitch Drops were available on our page to be claimed for your characters. This caused many people to lose previous Drops if they were kept unclaimed. Now, you should be able to see rewards from many months ago as well!


    The following Threads from the Forums have been locked,reviewed and addressed or partially addressed for this update:

    [Black Guard] Mind killer cleanses are you serious?
    [Zealot] CC channeling strange behavior
    [Twitch Drops] Exotic Mount Token is gone!
    [General] Personal Bank Items Gone
    [General] Evaluating differences in sustain between factions
    [Marauder] Marauder Pulls & Immunities

    Thank you for providing the Return of Reckoning Team valuable feedback to help the development of the project, we will continue to track your messages, answer and address them as time allows!

    Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

    We have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy! Please check them out here.

    Bug Fixes

    [17861] - [General] Fixed typo on mouseover on block in statdoll.
    [11288] - [General] Added in support for /guilddemote and /guildpromote commands.
    [22532] - [General] Fixed an issue where players could get a hidden armor proc buff by entering sacellum / sewers.
    [22551] - [Quest] Anniversary to remember quest.
    [22435] - [Quest] Fixed minimum level for scout quest
    [22735] - [Quest] Quest objective description and quest map fixed.
    [22194] - [Quest] T1 "Scenarios of War" now properly grants credit on completion.
    [22843] - [Crafting] Removed several unusable crafting items from game
    [22318] - [Item] Essence Brooch of the Fleshrender equivalent item on Order side
    [16796] - [Item] Bloodlord Proc description change
    [22844] - [Item] Cannot use PvE Instructor's Boon
    [22856] - [Item] AM Favor of Lileath "Preservation" (+wounds proc) doesn't heal for increase
    [21773] - [Set Bonus] Brought back the set bonus to the WP/Dok off sov spec
    [22099] - [Set Bonus] Witch Elf Victorious set proc
    [22831] - [Dungeon] Fixed choice count
    [22187] - [Dungeon] Blaz' Da Tamin Masta will now properly enrage if Velkyrixx dies first.
    [22423] - [Dungeon] Gunbad trash mob Redeye Reapa, no visible debuff.
    [22317] - [Combat] Fixed a generic issue where AOEs would not function with a Z axis of more then 36 feet.
    [22243] - [Combat] Ground target AOE abilities would claim out of range when shot across broders of zones.
    [20554] - [RvR] Resource boxes in RvR cannot be carried from one battlefront to the next.
    [22480] - [RvR] Dying in order Reikland warcamp respawns you in Ch16
    [22588] - [Marauder] Terrible embrace only checked immunity at start of the cast.
    [22162] - [Maurader] Gut Ripper incorrect ability description
    [22820] - [Maurader] Stances do not appear as a buff/icon.
    [22719] - [Maurader] Gift of Monstrosity healing is not stacking with Zealot tactic.
    [22819] - [Squigherder] Scramblin' Quick-Like fixed
    [22596] - [Squigherder] Invader 5pc bonus interactions
    [22867] - [Squigherder] Gas Squig incorrect description
    [21901] - [Squigherder] Sticky Squigz Hex or Ailment?
    [22721] - [Choppa] Choppa Bleed 'em out dmg tick bug
    [22818] - [Magus] Using resummons on magus!
    [22865] - [Sorc] Tapping The Dark tactic doesn't state the unique ICD
    [22864] - [Sorc] Dire Blast M1 weird behavior
    [22019] - [Sorc, BW, Choppa, Slayer] Mechanics persist through death
    [22740] - [Sorc/BW] Buffs do not rewrite themselves
    [22882] - [DoK] 2 bugs on Devour Essence ranges
    [19118] - [Zealot] Dark Medicine ability classified as "Healing" instead of "Blessing"
    [22000] - [Zealot] Transference tactic missing 10% disrupt strike-through
    [22822] - [Knight] Morale 3 No Escape does not deal damage if targets have Immovable
    [22874] - [Knight/Chosen] Heal Aura ticks and tooltip
    [22316] - [Witch Hunter] Dragon Gun does not proc Flowing Accusations
    [22673] - [Engi/BW/Sorc] Phosphorus Shells do not stack and this is not indicated anywhere, also added descriptions to other class abilities
    [21995] - [Swordmaster] Quick Incision on snare immunity targets
    [22176] - [Swordmaster] Abilities Mislabeled/Miscategorized
    [22862] - [Archmage] "Magical Infusion" plays long cast animation despite being instant cast
    [22647] - [AM/Shaman] Class mechanic points do not reset
    [22869] - [Ironbreaker] Shield sweep able to break/destroy quest/event/pq objects.
    [22871] - [Ironbreaker] Stubborn As Stone gives AA to Oath Friend
    [21994] - [Runepriest] Sundered Motion (Rune priest tactic) no effect on movement reduction.
    [22013] - [Morale] Changed description of Broad Swings
    Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:19 am View the latest post
  • Patch Notes 10/06/2024
    10th Anniversary Celebration

    Has it really been 10 years of Reckoning already? It's rare for a fan project to outlast its game's live counterpart by such a significant margin, but here we are and we're proud of it. It is the combined effort of both the developers and you, the dedicated and loving fans of Warhammer Online and the Warhammer Fantasy universe. We are incredibly grateful to all of you for being a core part of all this and supporting us over the years, keeping WAR alive and choosing it as your home. But do not think this is all, as the best is yet to come!

    So with that said, let's celebrate this anniversary with a bang! We have prepared several fun rewards and events for you all to commemorate this special occasion. Sounds good? Then spread the news, rally your friends and get in the WAAAGH!


    - [Anniversary Goodie Bag] as one-time login reward.
    - [Anniversary Companions]
    - [Anniversary Fun Box]
    - [Anniversary Capes] - Preview here.
    - 10th June to 17th June - x2 [Renown] Boost and x2 [War Crests] from player kills.
    - 14th June to 17th June - On the Weekend, x3 [War Crests] from player kills.

    Click here to read more about the Anniversary Event Schedule.

    Weekend Warfront: Guns, Shrooms, and Steam


    The trains of Kadrin Valley are carrying gromril back to Karaz-a-Karak night and day. Work on the Doomstrikers is well underway, but now the greenskins have decided to sabotage the efforts. Get out to Gromril Crossing, and help your realm drive back the enemy!

    This weekend Guns, Shrooms, and Steam will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the Gromril Crossing scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.


    - Wrackspite's adds in Bastion Stair now properly move towards the boss at a slower speed.


    - You can no longer queue for scenarios while tagged as AFK. Keep in mind that if tagged AFK in a scenario you will be kicked from the SC.

    Typing /afk is a toggle option that you have to type in again to remove. This caused players to unintentionally get instantly kicked from Scenarios on join, due to forgetting to disable their Away From Keyboard Status.


    A few modifications have been applied to the Website's Killboard functionality:

    - Lifetime Death Count has been hidden from Character Profiles.

    - Death Count has been removed from Weekly/Monthly Player Leaderboard.

    - Death Count has been removed from Weekly/Monthly Guild Leaderboard.

    All other stats, including deaths, will remain visible and available for potential analysis in the individual Scenarios and Skirmishes pages.

    Fighting is what RoR is all about, and we'd like everyone to focus on enjoying the game and working together as a Realm. With this change, we're making room for more emphasis on core game mechanics, objectives, career roles, and player interactions, creating - in our view - a healthier and more fitting MMO experience.

    It will take time to see difference, but if we can influence player behavior even a tiny bit for the better, we’re all for it.

    Bug Fixes

    [22637] - [Ironbreaker] Oathstone had the incorrect immunity assigned.
    [22738] - [Squig] Squig's self punt not working after Kaboom
    [22790] - [Blackguard] For The Witch King! Tooltip errors.
    [22636] - [Slayer/Choppa] No Escape and "Wot's Da Rush" lost ability to slow down
    [22791] - [Archmage] Dissipating Energies gives force each tick instead of once on cast
    [22058] - [Renown Ability] quick escape 2 renown ability fixed
    [21960] - [Ironbreaker] IB tactic Dwarwen riposte
    [22367] - [Ironbreaker] Offensive Sovereign 8p bonus doesn't grant an ability
    [21731] - [Squigherder] Warlord for SH 4 piece bonus doesn't add up
    [21577] - [Shadow Warrior] Warlord 4 piece bonus fix
    [22801] - [Witch Hunter] ''Dragon Gun'' description doesn't list knockdown duration
    [22800] - [Witchelf] ''On Your Knees'' description typo
    [22432] - [Witchelf and Witch Hunter] witch elf can camouflage while on a horse
    [22470] - [Magus] Perils of the Warp is a Hex
    [22461] - [Witchelf] 4 Piece bonus on Devastator set for Witch Elf
    [22802] - [Bright Wizard] RoF not providing +15comb if instantly canceled by movement
    [14920] - [Item] Preservation on Demonrend granting only 80 wounds instead of 110
    [22203] - [Runepriest] Regenerative Shield Tactic is not adding the 10% less armor will be bypassed buff tooltip fix
    [22804] - [Blackguard] Hastened Doom tactic does not scale wounds.
    [22143] - [Witch Hunter] Sweeping Razor Tactic Generates Extra Accusation
    [22813] - [Swordmaster] Phantom's Blade - Buff tooltip says it shields
    [22716] - [Brightwizard] Morale2 on BW still have 30ft range: taking it to 25ft
    [22143] - [Witch Hunter] Sweeping Razor Tactic Generates Extra Accusation
    [21069] - [Shadow Warrior] Warlord-4p-Setbonus (6% EvadeStrikethrough) not working on SW
    [22665] - [Brightwizard]Tactic not working as it should
    [22246 ] - [WE/WH] Beastlord 6 piece doesn't work
    [22737] - [Swordmaster] "Blessing of heaven" applies effect on all hit not Targeted
    [22798] - Guild standard was incorrectly buffing enemies and NPCs with morale regen.
    [22364] - You can no longer claim a keep that has fallen.
    [22472] - Logging in with items on you that grants +AP should no longer result in lower AP pool.
    [22799] - [Witch Hunter/Witch Elf] Dragon gun / On your knees should now not do knockdown if the damage was defended against.
    [22497] - [Shaman] Fixed ability type of Gork sez stop so it should not be blocked.
    [22345] - Getting rewards from capturing a BO now requires you to be in the RVR lake.
    [22803] - [Witch Hunter/Witch Elf] Dragon gun / On your knees now only apply morale gain within 100 feet.
    [22346] - Bolster now also grants armor.
    [18726] - Capturing supplies should not grant opposing faction rewards even if close.
    [19048] - [World] Typo in Tchar'zanek's speech in city.
    [22765] - Melee Squig Herder's "Outta My Way!" charge now properly respects punt immunity.
    [22703] - Siege Oil can no longer be pulled by player skills like Magnet, Rift, etc.
    [22773] - Siege Rams can no longer be pulled by player skills like Magnet, Rift, Marauder Pull or White Lion fetch.

    [21437] - [Slayer] detaunt should remove rage regardless if power through is slotted or not.
    [22268] - [Choppa] detaunt should remove rage regardless if Wot rules is slotted or not.

    The above Slayer/Choppa bug fix is a mistake on our side, it was an already addressed Bug Ticket, that got accidentally reversed. We will hotfix this asap!
    Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:40 am View the latest post
  • 10th Anniversary - Summer Live Events Schedule
    10th Anniversary - Summer Live Events Schedule
    10th Anniversary Celebration

    Has it really been 10 years of Reckoning already? It's rare for a fan project to outlast its game's live counterpart by such a significant margin, but here we are and we're proud of it. It is the combined effort of both the developers and you, the dedicated and loving fans of Warhammer Online and the Warhammer Fantasy universe. We are incredibly grateful to all of you for being a core part of all this and supporting us over the years, keeping WAR alive and choosing it as your home. But do not think this is all, as the best is yet to come!

    So with that said, let's celebrate this anniversary with a bang! We have prepared several fun rewards and events for you all to commemorate this special occasion. Sounds good? Then spread the news, rally your friends and get in the WAAAGH!

    The Return of Reckoning 10th Anniversary Event will be held from 10th June until 17th June, featuring unique In-Game Rewards, special Twitch Drops, Renown and War Crests Boosts and many more!


    - [Anniversary Goodie Bag] as one-time login reward.
    - [Anniversary Companions]
    - [Anniversary Fun Box]
    - [Anniversary Capes] - Preview here.
    - 10th June to 17th June - x2 [Renown] Boost and x2 [War Crests] from player kills.
    - 14th June to 17th June - On the Weekend, x3 [War Crests] from player kills.

    Twitch Drops

    Special Anniversary Twitch Drops will be held for this occasion and if you've participated in previous Twitch Drops, it will be familiar. Each day 3 Tiers of Fix Daily Rewards will be attainable as you accumulate your Watch Time at our approved RoR Streamers, while the Unique Tier 4 Rewards will change every single day.

    If you miss a Tier 4 Reward of a specific day, you will not be able to go back and claim them.
    For more information on how our Twitch Drops work, please visit here!


    - Daily Tier 1 Reward - [20 Gold]
    - Daily Tier 2 Reward - [Potion of Acclaim]
    - Daily Tier 3 Reward - [20 War Crests]

    Unique Day-to-Day Tier 4 Rewards:

    - 10th June - [200 War Crests]
    - 11th June - [Exotic Mount Token]
    - 12th June - [WAR Double Aegis]
    - 13th June - [Box of Otherworldly Talismans]
    - 14th June - [100 Gold]
    - 15th June - [Anniversary Fun Box]
    - 16th June - [Anniversary Companion Box]

    [Anniversary Fun Box]
    - [1x Halfling Pie (10 day)]
    - [10x Twisting Tentacle Pies]
    - [100x Profound Fireworks]
    - [10x Potion of Feral Aspect]
    - [Celebratory Horn]

    [Anniversary Companion Box]
    - [Small Pack Mule] for the Forces of Order
    - [Small Enslaved Pack Mule] for the Forces of Destruction

    These two companions are completely new!


    The Feast of Shoika


    The summer sun has reached its zenith and Dazh smiles down upon his worshippers below. All throughout Kislev pyres are lit, from the smallest village to the largest cities, in honor of Dazh who gave the world the gift of sunlight and fire. These pyres are fueled by sacrifices of mighty beasts, and small scraps of paper upon which the faithful write their prayers, hoping the flames will carry them to the heavens and reach the generous hands of Dazh. The summer season in Kislev is not only the celebration of Dazh, for it also honors Shoika, the powerful Tsarina who established Kislev. It is a time of celebrating in a manner most fitting of the Old World, with fire and blood.

    As our next Live Event, The Feast of Shoika will be returning to celebrate the founding of Kislev and the start of the Kislevite New Year.

    The Feast of Shoika Live Event will be held between June 28th and July 8th.

    Join the festivities in the city of Altdorf to earn the Blessings of the Gods and celebrate together with Kislevite Boyars, Priests of Dazh and mysterious hag mothers. Meanwhile, Dolgans and goblins from the east join the Raven Host as the forces of Chaos seek to raze Kislev and turn its lands into one massive pyre honoring the Lord of Change.

    Re-experience the unique Quests and Public Quests of this Live Event and have a chance to earn its limited time rewards again.

    Provisional Rewards

    - Event Cosmetics: [Kossar's Helm] or [Feast of Shoika Alcohol Sampler]
    - Event Pets: [Oblast Elk Fawn] or [Lynsk Bear Cub]
    - Event Mounts: [Oblast Elk Saddle] or [Lynsk Bear Saddle] or [Bound Ice Daemon]
    - Event Cloaks: [Druzhina's Korzna] or [Kislevite Kozhukhi] or [Pulkowa Palatka]
    - [Event Dyes]
    - ...and more!


    Twilight's Tide


    The dreaded time of year has come once again when Sariour na Yenlui thins the veil between the Realm of Chaos, and the known world. Archmages strengthen wards on ancient menhirs, while Asur hosts assemble to face the daemonic onslaught. Only superior elven craftsmanship will see Ulthuan through another Twilight’s Tide.

    We would also like to announce ahead of time the return of Twilight's Tide, our most requested Live Event from players. We are happy to announce it will be held again this year.

    This year's Twilight's Tide will be held between July 26th through August 16th, get ready to craft!

    Twilight’s Tide marks the time of year when Morrslieb is closest to the known world, a dangerous time of year when the daemons of Chaos flood into the known world, with a particular focus on Ulthuan and the ancestors of Aenarion. Meanwhile, the dreaded Druchii are never ones to miss an opportunity to strike at a distracted foe.

    Twilight's Tide Rings

    The main element of this live event is the ability for players to craft their own rings, tailored to their needs. 40 combinations of rings exist, which across four tiers (levels 11, 21, 31, and 40) and four rarity brackets (green, blue, purple, red) equals 440 rings. Upon being crafted rings will have a talisman slot intended for unique live-event talismans, though the rings will decay after 30 days and turn into a permanent ring without a talisman slot. The talismans only work on these event rings for balance purposes.

    Provisional Rewards

    - [Twilight's Tide Event Rings]
    - Event Professions: [Ore Refiner's Writ] or [Jewelsmith's Writ] or [Artificer's Writ]
    - Event Mounts: [Sapherian Unicorn] or [Dark Unicorn] or [Twilight's Ascent Disc]
    - Event Cloaks: [Cloak of Twilight] or [Cloak of Shadowy Tendrils]
    - [Event Dyes]
    - ...and more!
    Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:26 am View the latest post
  • Patch Notes 05/06/2024
    Weekend Warfront: Blood Basin


    The blackened environs of Black Fire Pass are home to one of the bloodiest battles yet seen. The clash of steel on steel does little to drown out the screams of the wounded as Order and Destruction forces struggle for dominance in the blood-mired snow.

    This weekend the Blood Basin will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 Friday to 12:00 Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the Black Fire Basin scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.

    Realm versus Realm
    Live Event: Sigmartag

    We noticed Realms had a difficult time to accumulate the Event Renown Boosts through collecting [Skull of A Fallen Foe]. The old implementation would have required 5,000 [Skull of A Fallen Foe] to be collected within 8 hours, we thought this was too much currently.

    We'd like players to enjoy the benefits of Sigmartag's Renown Boost more consistently, and in all time-zones.

    New Realm Skull Requirements :

    - 250+ Skulls: 10% Renown Boost

    - 500+ Skulls: 20% Renown Boost

    - 750+ Skulls: 30% Renown Boost

    - 1000+ Skulls:40% Renown Boost

    - 1250+ Skulls: 50% Renown Boost

    Sigmartag Relic

    - Relics during the event should show up properly on your map moving on.


    We have identified the issue regarding RvR Gold Bags sometimes not rewarding players with set items. This fix on the other hand resulted in Reward Brackets to be slightly modified:

    - Players Renown ranks 1 to 20 will receive Obliterator Set pieces

    - Players Renown ranks 20 to 29 will receive Devastator Set pieces

    - Players Renown ranks 30 to 39 will receive Annihilator Set pieces

    - Players Renown ranks 40 to 49 will receive Conqueror Set pieces

    - Players Renown ranks 50 to 255 will receive Vanquisher Set pieces


    - Guild Standards have been restored to function properly again, see Bug-Fixes section!

    - You can now once more capture the enemy realms guild standards.

    Combat and Careers
    Balance Changes

    - Graceful Strike was changed to generate double hate from damage (including Damage over Time) instead of a fixed amount of extra hate to bring it in line with other tanks.

    This change is in connection with the listed bug-fixes regarding Tanks, to make all Tank Careers generate hate the same way.


    - The Helmets of Dominion from the Veteran Renown Gear merchants have been upgraded to be given stats, to be useful for someone that is just fresh into tier 2.

    - The Cloak of Conquest from the Veteran Renown Gear merchants have been upgraded to be given stats.


    - When an event is edited a new guild log is sent with the new information.

    - When an event is 30 minutes from starting a message is now also sent in guild chat.

    Character Restoration

    We have updated our Character Restoration Guidelines. Players can now request the recovery of deleted characters. We ask everyone to please read and follow our newly established guidelines, if you are thinking about using this new support feature.

    You can read our Character Restoration Guidelines here.

    Bug Fixes

    We have allocated more resources to fixing bugs and issues reported to us. You can track this process through our [Bug Tracker], where you'll be able to see reported bugs, resolved cases, and closed reports.

    We are very grateful for your assistance with our project by reporting issues you encounter, and we encourage everyone to do the same if they come across a bug. We only ask that when you report an issue, provide us with as many details as you can to help us reproduce them:

    - Clear description of the issue & Error Messages
    - Exact steps to reproduce & Frequency
    - Screenshots or Videos
    - Character information
    - Additional context

    [22769] - [world] All tok are broken for all monsters . No counts for any kills.
    [21993] - [Item] - Caledor scorpion spawning
    [08845] - [Item] - Black Chasm
    [22784] - [Zealot] Fetish of the subjugator without any stats and Fortress weapon
    [22692] - [Ironbreaker, Black Orc, Swordmaster] Aggro generation issue on IB
    [22522] - [Ironbreaker] - Shield Sweep Grudge Generation Broken
    [22638] - [Ironbreaker] - Avenging The Debt doesn't provide snares and root immunity to Oath Friend
    [22787] - [Choppa] - Furious Stompin' Tooltip is messed up
    [22277] - [Swordmaster, Black Orc, Slayer] - Added a Tooltip description to say Not Affected by Cooldown Reduction
    [22485] - [Knight, Chosen] - Added description to tooltip stating, "Targets can only be damaged once every two seconds." For their reflect damage abilities.
    [21693] - Guild standard buffs should now work both when holding it and placing it on the ground.
    [13060] - Guild standard needs to be stowed before entering an SC.
    [16032] - Guild standard 2 and 3 can now be used at the guild level they are rewarded.
    [22362] - Guild standard now correctly grants movement speed.
    [20603] - Guild standard can no longer be claimed by 2 people at the same time
    [19756] - Guild standard post 4 can now be used
    [07231] - Re-did area to mark Thane's Defense as part of Ch7 influence
    [19966] - Quest items can now be withdrawn from the bank. Note that they automatically gets added to your quest items bag and that you have to drag them to your normal inventory as there is no right click nor space to drag to quest items.
    [19684] - Bank items now show talismans and bind status
    [22449] - Choppa will also grow in size as they reach Red Berserk stage.
    [22765] - Melee Squig Herder's "Outta My Way!" charge now properly respects punt immunity.
    [22703] - Siege Oil can no longer be pulled by player skills like Magnet, Rift, etc.
    [22773] - Siege Rams can no longer be pulled by player skills like Magnet, Rift, Marauder Pull or White Lion fetch.
    [22660] - RvR Gold Bags missing Set Items.
    [22082] - Siege Rams should be properly visible again on your map.
    Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:31 am View the latest post